the Juice of Life

“For the life of the flesh [is] in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it [is] the blood [that] maketh an atonement for the soul.”

(Leveticus 17:11. King James Bible – KJV)

Definition: The familiar red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells, platelets, proteins, and other elements. The blood is transported throughout the body by the circulatory system. Blood functions in two directions: arterial and venous. Arterial blood is the means by which oxygen and nutrients are transported to tissues while venous blood is the means by which carbon dioxide and metabolic by-products are transported to the lungs and kidneys, respectively, for removal from the body. (by Websters New World)

Definition: The familiar red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells, platelets, proteins, and other elements. The blood is transported throughout the body by the circulatory system. Blood functions in two directions: arterial and venous. Arterial blood is the means by which oxygen and nutrients are transported to tissues while venous blood is the means by which carbon dioxide and metabolic by-products are transported to the lungs and kidneys, respectively, for removal from the body. (by Websters New World)

Blood as essence of Life dates back with the beginning o human history. The intense of it’s color it’s taste and smell were often described in ancient works, it will become a symbol in almost any belief of the ancient word, part of the ritual, a symbol for family, relatives or unity, a symbol of blessing or sexual desire. The Idea of bloodline will soon mean more then only family, and will built a sine qua non way to the early christian Legends. If in ancient Greece, blood was part of the four humors (or four elemnt medicine: Blood for Air, Yellow Bile for Fire, Black Bile for Earth, Pleghm for Water), blood will be associated with air, with springtime, with passion and roses. The blood of the Gods was poisones to mortals.

It is the Noahidian and Levitical law that will see in blood the life of the createars, and will forbid the drinking of it or eating the flesh with the blood. This Levitical law is the particularity of Jewish and Christian belief that will built around the idea of blood, the blood of the Christ, and ultimate born in the Middle Age the Legends of the Holy Grail and Sang Real. Christian Blood is the symbol for atonement of sins, it is the ultimate blood, and to own it will soon become the myth that will lead seekers in search of purification or immortality. The Eucharistic wine, used for the Last Supper is a symbol for the Blood of Jesus, :

The Last Super by Leonardo da Vinci 1494–1498  tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic. Dimensions 460 cm × 880 cm (181 in × 346 in) Location Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

The Last Super by Leonardo da Vinci 1494–1498
tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic. Dimensions 460 cm × 880 cm (181 in × 346 in) Location Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. (Luke 22:20)

The blood is described in the book of Revelation 1:5 as the purification and the sacrifice of the Christ

“… Unto him  that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.”

Our Days the consumption of blood is still fobbiden in Eastern Orthodox Church, also in Judaism, modern Christian religions or the Islam.

“Forbidden to you are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which has been invoked the name of other than Allah.” (Qur’an, sura Al-Ma’ida 5:3)”

Few people now that the origins of the christian words of bless and blessing are “blood-related” with deep origins in the European Paganism of the Anglo-Saxons and Viking Tribes. Blood was used in animal and human sacrifices as a ritual of gaining power, the power of the originator. This power could be transfered to others by sprinkling blood on a other person or on the walls of those house. This ritual was known as: blóedsian. It is the Catholic Church that will barrow the terminus to use it as bless or blessing.

The word “blood” itself finds it’s origins also back to early middle age, in the Anglo-Saxon  dialects around the year 1000AD, the word blôd, which is akin to the Old High German word bluot, in modern German: (das) Blut. It is the ate European paganism mixed with christian beliefs that will accept the derogation from the Levitical law, pointing the interdiction of blood consumtion, in the Catholic Church. Blood will also be used in early medical researches as we read in De Vita by Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499):

“There is a common and ancient opinion that certain prophetic women who are popularly called ‘screech-owls’ suck the blood of infants as a means, insofar as they can, of growing young again. Why shouldn’t our old people, namely those who have no [other] recourse, likewise suck the blood of a youth? — a youth, I say who is willing, healthy, happy and temperate, whose blood is of the best but perhaps too abundant. They will suck, therefore, like leeches, an ounce or two from a scarcely- opened vein of the left arm; they will immediately take an equal amount of sugar and wine; they will do this when hungry and thirsty and when the moon is waxing. If they have difficulty digesting raw blood, let it first be cooked together with sugar; or let it be mixed with sugar and moderately distilled over hot water and then drunk.”

(Marsilio Ficino, De Vita II (1489), 11: 196-199. Translated by Sergius Kodera)

In Europe the vampiric legends will atribuite to blood the sexual desire, and idea of lust, but there are early assocaition of blood wit hsexuality in anicent China, Japan, or Korea. Even in our days there is prefference in Hentai movies or books to show men with bleeding noses if they have just seen a nude girl/women, or in transparnet clothing.

Nose Bleeding can be seen often in Anime or Hentai movies, it is related to erectile function and sexual desire. it is not the invention of modern anime designers but related to ancient asiatic beliefs that man can show red nose or bleed when having a strong desire. It is possible to bleed by nose by having a high blood pressure, and yes it can be caused by sexual behavior but it is impossible to show up with nose bleeding every time you go excited.

Nose Bleeding can be seen often in Anime or Hentai movies, it is related to erectile function and sexual desire. it is not the invention of modern anime designers but related to ancient asiatic beliefs that man can show red nose or bleed when having a strong desire. It is possible to bleed by nose by having a high blood pressure, and yes it can be caused by sexual behavior but it is impossible to show up with nose bleeding every time you go excited.

Of course vampires don’t bleed or show red noses, but blood and the desire for blood stays often for erectile connotations. Also the preference of male vampires for female blood, in literature, the neck biting show sexual desire. Elizabeth Bathory was accused not only for blood drinking, bathing but also for immoral sexual herasment including lesbian practices and the use of sexual toys. Elizabeth Bathory will ultimatly become the female symbol of the vampires, from modern manga series to movies, musical interpretation, (like: Iron Maiden), or video games.  More recent the sexuality of blood sucking or eating was acentuated by the hollywoodian movies, the manga series or the video games like BloodRayne, often associated with naked or barley clothed girls often with red hair.

BloodRayne is an action hack and slash video game and the first game in the BloodRayne series. In addition to a sequel, BloodRayne 2, Bloodrayne inspired a series of films and self-contained comic books. It was developed by Terminal Reality, and was strongly influenced by their previous game Nocturne.

BloodRayne is an action hack and slash video game. Bloodrayne inspired a series of films and self-contained comic books. It was developed by Terminal Reality, and was strongly influenced by their previous game Nocturne. The main character is Blood Rayne, a vampire-girl


(to be continued)


the answer to this question can be easy to understnad reading the obove: first off all because Blood is the juice of Life, even if in ancient time people believed that blood was produced by the liver, and they didn,t know about the transportation of oxigen and nutrients and any other details about the function of blood cells, it was easy to understand that blood was essential for life. the need of blood to survive, blood and the animal the  fauna including bats, ticks, leeches, mosquitoes … contributed to the development of the mythical creatures that live by sucking the blood of other animals or humans. We have as example the Strix in the ancient Roman  mythology ans similar creatures that feed by blood sucking in the ancient greece. It is to be noted that the modern vampire is not present in ancient mythology but this helped overlaped centuries after with christian and european pagan belifes, to be taken by folklore and “redesigned” in the image o the modern vampire: a blood sucking creature, an immortal human with animal instincts of feeding lured by blood. It is to be mention, that there are several disease related to vampirism such as the Porphyria, that is a disease that causes irrational behavior, a phobia of light, paleness, and a desire to ingest blood. A common cure in the 1800s was a cup of cow’s blood from a butcher. Also hepatitis wrongly attributed to blood loos and vampires. To be noted that there are a number of real medical conditions that might result in vampiric behavior or appearance, and do to the pale skin coloring of this disease an urgnet need of blood was considered a cure.


again, the fauna contributed to this image, the european polecat or Mustela putorius was known by villains by feed with animal blood by sucking it, often not showing interest in the flash. The idea of sucking was more intimate and pagan at the same time and fascinated more then simple drinking it by glass. The vampire can be a gentlemen with manners,  but this never implicated drinking  ethics or habits like we are used too. Bram Stoker describes the blood sucking as an erotic act in slow motion, while the tooth penetrate the skin and flesh letting the fluid out. We can say that it was the eroticism of the act that consecrated the idea of sucking.  Yes, more modern vampires can accept  drinking blood by glass or why not keep it in transfusion bags, but this are examples of not being confident with him self, a self-denial and willing to be mortal again, often springing from feeling developed for the human kind or a mortal partner/lover. This involves often self abstinence from human blood, and it is the case of novels written for teenagers like the Twilight Saga, some Anime Series or other romantic, melodramatic movies.  Not sucking blood, is not the case for count Dracula, and if, than only if going trough harsh times.

The act o blood-sucking. Here Bela Lugosi in the movie: Dracula

The act o blood-sucking. Here Bela Lugosi in the movie: Dracula

scripta manet

The novel of Bram Stoker released in Westminster by Archibald Constable and Company in June 1897 becomes soon a best seller, fascinating people with one of the best horror story ever told. Published in a variety of editions and languages over the years to come, there are some rarities among them. Here we will show you some of the best Editions a collector must afford

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A great ilustrated Dracula book, with drowings by Ben Templesmith Hardcover: 472 pages Publisher: IDW Publishing (June 2, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1600103782 ISBN-13: 978-1600103780 Product Dimensions: 1.3 x 6.3 x 9 inches


One firts edition of Bram Stocker's Dracula, Book estimated at 7500 USD Westminster: Archibald Constable and Company , [June] 1897. First edition, later issue (probably third, circa Dec. 1897).

One firts edition of Bram Stocker’s Dracula, Book estimated at 7500 USD
Westminster: Archibald Constable and Company , [June] 1897.
First edition, later issue (probably third, circa Dec. 1897).

(to be continued)

Rise once more, o Tepes! …

(please note, this text is under construction, possible errors are to be excused)


Vlad Tepes, (Vlad the Impaler) ruler of Wallachia, paintig, Imagie via The New York Times. This painting is known as: the Ambras Castle portrait, it is a copy from the 16. century, the original was lost. Vlad looks like an here more Hungarian, or kind of Habsburg

Rise once more, o Tepes! Take and divide these men
As lunatics and rogues in two big tribes, and then
In mighty, twin infirmaries by force both tribes intern,
And with a single faggot prison and madhouse burn.

(Mihai Eminescu – Satire  III. English version by Corneliu M. Popescu)

The quote above written by the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu in the 19 century describes at his best the folkloric and patriotic recognition  of Vlad Dracula, known here more as Vlad the Impaler. Vlad the Impaler was essential for building the national aspirations of the Romanians at that time, and soon he become an example of authority a price of the law with the power to handle the corruption with rood hand by his own will. His methods were presented by Eminescu as a cure for the society.

There are no evidence that Vlad himself ever was called as the Impaler, but he was proud of his family name of Dracul, and signed the documents of his time with Dracula. The first evidence of Vlad Dracula as Vlad the Impaler are from the Turks, as kaziklu bey, in Turkish chronicles form the 15. century.

Bram Stoker heard first of Dracula from the work of William Wilkinson (British consul in Wallachia and Moldova): An Acount of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldova, published 1820. Here was little said about Vlad, he was described as a Wallachian Prince that opposed the Turks and no mention about his affinity to impaling his prisoner. Wikinson makes a remark in his paper that will attract Stoker attention: in wllachian language, Dracula stays for devil.

Why Dracula?

The ethimology of the name of “drac” in the Wallachian language will change starting with Vlad. “Drac” in old Wallachian stood for dragon. It was the father of Vlad, Vlad II, that was made by emperor Sigismund in 1408, Knight o the Order of the Dragons, in Nurnberg. He will soon adopt the cognomen of Dracul, wallahian appelation for tha latin “draco”, the dragon. Vlad III, his son, borned 1431 in Schäßburg (Sighișoara), will use his father name as Dracula, as the “Son of the Dragon” and remain in history as Dracula and later Vlad the Impaler. The nick name of “tepes” “kaziklu bey” “the impaler” will tell the story of his atrocities along with the chronicles of the Transylvanian Saxons, the Slavic manuscripts  and Turkish documents describing the military campaign from 1461/62

the house in Sighisoara  where it is assumed by historians that Vlad Dracula was born. The board reads: In this house lived between 1431 and 1435 Vlad Dracul, the son of Mircea the Elder. Vlad Dracul is the father of Vlad Dracula.

the house in Sighisoara where it is assumed by historians that Vlad Dracula was born. The board reads: In this house lived between 1431 and 1435 Vlad Dracul, the son of Mircea the Elder. Vlad Dracul is the father of Vlad Dracula.

Stories, Legends and Chronicles

Saxon stories tell about the Prince Dracula that heard that merchants from Hermannstadt (Sibiu) and Kronstadt (Braosv),  Petermann, and Peter Gereb von Rot are supporting  a step brother of Vlad to become Prince in Transylvania, giving the Saxons more control over the customs toll at the borders with Transylvania and Wallahia and at Giurgiu at the Danube river. Dracula entered Transylvania burning the villages of Kasholz, Neudorf and Hosman and moved toll clearance to Wallahia. After the saxons protested to hungarain King Mathias asking for help, Dracula entered Transylvania once more burning the fileld and conquering the town Kronstadt (Corona, Braosv) and Bartholomeus village. Here he had a feast, invited the leaders of the Saxons in front of the Gesprengberg, near the chapel of Holy Jacob, and atackted them during the feast beheaded them and trowing the heads of 43 (55 in other sources) Saxons in a pyramid in the middle of the table he continued the feast with his men. One o his Generals failed to conquer the nearby city Zeiden (Codlea), he ended up at the top of the pyramid.

1499 German woodcut showing Dracule waide dining among the impaled corpses of his victims

1499 German woodcut showing Dracule waide dining among the impaled corpses of his victims

Von ainem wutrich der hies Trakle waida von der Walachei

“Story of a Madman Named Dracula of Wallachia”

(Michael Beheim. Poem, written and performed at the court of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor)

Many legends and stories were told about Vlad Dracula in the years to come, some in the late 15. early 16. century, others later in the romantic era  during the search of national heroes by the newly born Romanian state. There are stories and accounts, legends and historical facts such as letters, documents or chronicles. It is to be differentiate  between popular folklore, the negative campaign among the Saxons or Turkish Chronicles that tried to explain that the Turkish army was defeated. Into the end it was the collective “memorie” that inspired Bram Stoker to choose Transylvania, and Dracula for his novel. However legend or not there are incontestable historical evidence, in Romanian documents, including his own letters, as in foreign ones that Vlad III called Dracula murdered, tortured or ordered the murder and killing of  thousands of people.

Romantic tales are figuring Dracula as the lawmaker as a prince that opposed denigrated customs like begging (as considered in the 19. century), theft, cheating … It is said, he, Vlad Dracula ordered a feast for all beggars to be held, they eat and drunk for two days and two nights, in the third one he closed them in a barn an burned them alive.

Accounts say that would drive a stake through the mother’s breast and the baby’s head would be  imapeld on her breast. He never considered gender or age. Other stories say  that men, women, and children were boiled to death, skinned alive, crucified, or had their sexual organs cut off.

“Usually the impaled victims were arranged in concentric circles on the outskirts of the cities where they could be viewed by all.  Victims were subjected to nails driven into their heads, maiming of limbs, blinding, strangulation, or the hacking off of noses and ears”

(Dracula: Biography of Vlad the Impaler. by Radu Florescu , Raymond T. McNally).

Record mention a massacre in  Amlas on 24 August 1460 where 20,000 were  killed.

On 11. February 1462 he writes a letter to his cousin King Matthias of Hungary telling that he bumped an exact number of 23844 Turks, noting an exact number by counting their beheaded heads

“it all stared in Obluciţa and Novoselo, where 1.350 Turks where killed and beheaded; then Cartal and Durostor, 6.840 Turks; Orşova  342, Vectrem 840, Turtucaia 630 and Marotin 210 at Giurgiu 6.414 Turks were bumped. Novigrad 384, Siştov 410, Ghighen 1.138, Rahova 1.460. In total: 20.018, the rest to 23.884 were killed on the way, amoung them Bulgars and other opponents”

(Letter sent to King Matthias by Vlad Dracula)

The legend says that together with this letter hi also sent to Buda (Budapest) the heads of the 23.844 Turks, being sorry that only this he could count, many others were burned alive, left on the field or drown in the river Danube.

The Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror returned from the campaign in Corinth to stop this massacre, asking once more for conciliation he sent messengers to Vlad asking the tribute to be payed to the Sublime Porte. The legend says that Dracula nailed their turbans in the skull and send their heads to Mehmed.

the Chindiei Tower is a tower in the ensemble of Curtea Domneasca in Targoviste. In front of this tower, the outskirts of his castle Vlad Dracula impaled hist Turkish enemies after the night ride in July 1462. it is generally belived that the construction started under Vlad Dracula, the Impaler but finished later

the Chindiei Tower is a tower in the ensemble of Curtea Domneasca in Targoviste. In front of this tower, the outskirts of his castle Vlad Dracula impaled hist Turkish enemies after the night ride in July 1462. it is generally belived that the construction started under Vlad Dracula, the Impaler but finished later

In the night of 16 to 17 June 1462 he railed the Turkish army camp (led by sultan Mehmed) with his men dressed in Turks, let them to massacre them self by disorienting them, killed, beheaded or/and impaled them killing almost everyone who was caught. Many heads were brought to Targoviste, his chair town and put on a stake outside the city walls, to be seen by the Turkish army.

“Legend tells that even the ruthless (Turkish) Conqueror was moved to tears when he visited the scene of Vlad’s hideous exploit and saw a whole valley desolate yet peopled with its thousands of stakes, on which still hung the mangled remains of impaled Turks and Bulgars”

(Seton, Watson, A History of the Romanians: Vlad the Impaler)

Dracula’s attack was celebrated by the Pope, Venetians, King Matthias, even by the Saxons from Transylvania, as “an celebration of the whole Christianity”

Historians assign his horrors on his childhood as he and his brother were held captive by the Turks, raised in Istanbul were friends of his  died, as records say of an infection caused by sexual abuse, very likely Vlad was also abused. He we also be trained here to become a warrior, in ridding horses, fighting, but also in logic,  the Quran and Turkish literature and language.  Vlad Dracula will become for tree times Prince of Wallachia. As the father of Vlad and his older brother, Mircea II, the hair of Wallachia were killed by local boyars with the support of John Hunyadi, in the winter o 1447? the Ottomans put Vlad on the throne in Wallachia as Vlad III. A short reign as Hunyadi returned to Wallachia putting Vlad on the run (to Moldova, leter to Buda, and back to Constantinople). A local supporter of Hunyadi will become ruller in Wallachia: Vladislav II, later killed by Vlad in combat in 1456, becoming for the second time Prince of Wallahia, ruling from 1456 to 1462.

The night attack of Targoviste was short lived by Dracula he was soon forced to retreat in the fortress of Poenari, the boyars searched for privileges at the Ottomans as the Turks supported Radu the Beautiful, his younger brother on the Wallachian throne as Bey of Wallachia.

Poenari Fortress is today a ruined castle/fortess, it was used as refuge from Vlad Dracul, The Legend tells that his wife commited suicide here buy jumping in the river below in order not to be captured by the Turks.  The fortress is located in Arges county Căpățânenii Pământeni village of the Arefu commune

Poenari Fortress is today a ruined castle/fortess, it was used as refuge from Vlad Dracul, The Legend tells that his wife commited suicide here buy jumping in the river below in order not to be captured by the Turks. The fortress is located in Arges county Căpățânenii Pământeni village of the Arefu commune

Searching for help to his cousin Matthias Corvinus in Hungary he was imprisoned in Hungary, firt, near Dimbovicioara, probably he spent also some days in the Bran Castle, but there are no records to support this, or at Huda lui Papara cave in Alba county, on his way to Buda, where he was imprisoned at Visegrád, ten years later at Buda castle in the Budavar Labyrinth famous in the turitical maps of Budapest today, of holding Dracula imprisoned there for years. Some historians claim he was imprisoned for 12 years from 1462 to 1475, other sources and evideces are talking about a short prison stay.

Of course the legend passes the records involving Dracula in an romance with Matthias young sister, an affair of wich is told a son was born to Dracula. as King Matthias figured it out he expelled Vlad back to Wallachia, where he become once more Prince after the sudden death of his brother till 1467?1477. (Other legends involve Vlad Dracula in a longtime affair, lasting more then 20 years with a Saxon girl from Kronstadt (Brasov), and had 5 children with her, a sort of an unpermitted love.

It is little known about the women in the life of Vlad Dracula, there are at least 2 marriages reported. The first one with Elisabetta, mother of Mihnea the Evil One, son of Dracula (Prince of Wallachia 1508-1510, murdered 1510 in Hermanstadt, buried there in the Roman Catholic Church where he was cornered by the bojars of Craiovescu faction). Elisabetta died in the siege of Poenari Fortress, according to local legends. Other sources tell that she committed suicide, jumping over the cliffs at Poenari in the river below, called Today, the River of the Lady. (Raul Doamnei). The second marriage was with a cousin, or the sister of King Matthias in Buda where he lived with her:  Ilona Szilágyi. The couple had at least two sons: Vlad Dracul IV, who lived at the court of King Matthias and another one, unknown by name, mentioned in Transylvania for a period then at the court in Buda. Their descendents lived in Hungary and married there.

Returning to Wallachia he will begin his 3rd reign for a short period before beeing killed in a battle with the Turks. (from 1476 – 77?) It is little known about his Death, not even how he really died, presumed in a battle between end of November and December 1476, other stories say that he was lured by the Wallachian bojares in a forest and assassinated.) It is for sure he was dead on 10 of January 1477, as evidence are stipulating.  The exact location of his death is also unknow, somewere between Bucharest and Giurgiu. There are claims that his head was brought to Istanbul and the body buried at Comana Monestery, other historical sources claim that he was buried at the island monastery of Snagov. In early 2014, historians from Poland published researches that Dracula didn’t died in the winter of 1476, that he manged to escape and retreated with the Knights of the Order of the Dragons in southern Italy, probably Napoli, as evidence a tomb discovered in south Italy last year with the heraldic symbols of the Draculea Order on it. (future researches are planed)

Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, known as Dracula, the Son of the Dragon, or the Impaler, will be remembered in the folklore and collective “memoire”, as a hand of justice that will impale his enemies, show their bodies for days outside his castle, to scare those that wold try not to obey his will and justice… as a redeemer and lawmen for Romanian nationalist, as secular as religious, as human as devil, a Prince with multiple faces and masks. Finally it was nor the Romanian nationalist image, nor the history that made Vlad Dracula known to everyone, the legends, the negative propaganda of the Saxons, his atrocities  changed the etymology of dragon to be known as devil in the modern Romanian language. This will glimmer in Stokers head an decide to “godfather” his Count from Count Vampyr into Count Dracula, a Székely noble vampire from Transylvania. Dracula will become in the years to come the most prolific myth in the world of Vampires, a figure to last for decades, putting historians, novelist and researches on the write, there are today more then 1500 books out there about Dracula, from novels to historical researches over band desene, to manga, even hentai and pornographic stories. More then 250 movies were made, the Nosferatu in 1922 was the introduction to this kind of world that brought as Bela Lugosi’s Dracula in 1931, the landmark movie in Dracula’s filmography. Anime movies and cartoons pictured Dracula, even The Family Guy, the Simpsons or the Donald Duck hared about the Count.

There are Dracula’s in the world for everyone, one for the children, another one for adults fascinated to the story, for tourist or kitsch business scalpers with Dracula souvenires

a Vlad the Impaler palinka demijohn in Sighisoara, his birth place

a Vlad the Impaler palinka demijohn in Sighisoara, his birth place

He must, indeed, have been that Voivode Dracula who won his name against the Turk, over the great river on the very frontier of Turkey-land. (Bram Stoker, Dracula, Chapter 18, pp 145)

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 Windows, arches, moon, clouds, trees, feast, dinner, monsters, dracula, the vampire cape, pumpkins wallpaper. Image by

Windows, arches, moon, clouds, trees, feast, dinner, monsters, dracula, the vampire cape, pumpkins wallpaper. Image by